What does top picks on Tinder mean?

Top Picks are profiles you’ll like most.

Each day, Tinder provides a curated set of Top Picks to highlight your biggest potential matches. Since the Top Picks list is smaller and more unique to you, you’ll be more likely to find someone you match well with⁠, and swipe right on them.

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Also know, does Tinder have top picks already liked you?

The Likes You have already swiped on you but the top picks not yet. It is important to remember this in order to avoid confusion. The top picks selection comes from your bio and that is why you should have a good Tinder bio.

Accordingly, how are top picks chosen on Tinder? The app’s algorithm combines a user’s profile interests, along with their swiping behavior in order to curate the day’s Top Picks for them. Users can also pay extra to get more Top Picks in packs of 10, 20 or 30 if they so choose.

Then, what happens when you like a top pick?

If you use Tinder, you’ve probably seen the “Top Picks” feature that recommends your profile to other users based on your interests and hobbies. If you become a Top Pick for someone, you have a much higher chance of matching with them, since you’ll be in a smaller and more curated list of people.

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